Generating Plans for Cooperative Connected UAVs  François Bodin, Tristan Charrier, Arthur Queffelec, François Schwarzentruber  We present a tool for graph coverage with a fleet of UAVs. The UAVs must achieve the coverage of an area under the constraint of staying connected with the base, where the mission supervisor starts the …

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Présentations Drones aux Journées FADEx

A propos des journées FADEx ((French-American Doctoral Exchange) : https://www.irisa.fr/en/actus/seminaire/fadex-physical-cyber-systems Les présentations : Drone at Irisa : FADExDroneIrisa7July2016FrancoisBodin Formation Control and Cooperative Localization for a Team of Quadrotor UAVs :  FADExDroneIrisa7July2016RiccardoSpica Empowering drones with Cinematographic Knowledge: FADExDroneIrisa7July2016MarcChristie